National Network (NNCMW) Mission Statement
The NNCMW strives to provide professional business development seminars and spiritual growth opportunities for Christian Men & Women in the marketplace. The NNCMW is a biblical entrepreneurship approach to small business development training.
Both the spiritual and business are woven closely together so that our NNCMW members receive the resources they need to succeed in their professional lives while realizing their mission of establishing the kingdom of God on earth. We believe that by lifting each other in unison, success can be achieved in spiritual unity as well as professional development. Also, we offer various small business development services to veteran entrepreneurs, corporate executives, and small business owners locally (and throughout the U.S.).
Both the spiritual and business are woven closely together so that our NNCMW members receive the resources they need to succeed in their professional lives while realizing their mission of establishing the kingdom of God on earth. We believe that by lifting each other in unison, success can be achieved in spiritual unity as well as professional development. Also, we offer various small business development services to veteran entrepreneurs, corporate executives, and small business owners locally (and throughout the U.S.).
Corporate MembershipThis is a Sponsorship membership. Corporate rates will vary according to the number of employees of the company/firm/organization.
Pastors President's Club MembershipThis is a supporting membership. Pastors will receive a free 1-hour Business/Ministry Consultation, a “Pastor’s President’s Club” binder (6 Chapters) that will assist Pastors with business (and/or) ministry expansion. They will also obtain viable training to assist them to prepare for application for Federal, State and Local grants.
President's Club MembershipThis is a supporting membership. In addition to Regular Membership benefits, President’s Club members receive a special “President’s Club” binder (5 chapters) with vital information to facilitate the expansion of their respective enterprises.
Regular MembershipThis is open to Christian individuals who work in the marketplace. These persons from various levels of the business and professional sectors will be voting members and eligible to hold local offices and serve as convention delegates.
Associate MembershipThis Membership is generally for folk
who live outside of the Washington, D.C. metro area. Also, we reserve this type of Membership for folk who are of other faiths expressions!
Special MembershipThis is available to individuals not yet a part of the workforce, but are enrolled in college or any other institution of higher education.
Membership BenefitsNational Network (NNCMW) Membership Benefits:
Regular Membership Benefits: • Monthly local meetings for personal and professional networking • Regularly scheduled, low-cost workshops and Seminars • Annual National Member Rally with NNCMW members from across the nation • Subscription to “National Networking Christian Men & Women Newsletter” • To request information about upcoming events, send an e-mail or contact us. |